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  1. Basic Pricing Structure:
    My $15 per square foot rate typically covers my time, materials, and overhead costs. It's a relatively standard rate for mural painting, especially for projects that don't require extremely detailed or intricate work. So price may vary. 

  2. Size Considerations:
    The size of the mural will heavily influence the overall cost. Larger murals will cost more than smaller ones because they require more time and materials to complete.

  3. Complexity of Design:
    Murals with simple designs or patterns will generally be less expensive than those with intricate details, realism, or special effects like perspective or shading. Intricate designs require more time and skill to execute, so they may be priced higher.

  4. Surface Preparation:
    Depending on the condition of the surface to be painted, additional preparation work may be necessary, such as priming or repairing the wall. These preparatory tasks can add to the overall cost of the project.

  5. Location Factors:
    The location of the mural can also impact pricing. Murals in high-traffic areas or areas with difficult access may require additional logistical considerations. Sometimes lifts are required, which will be a responsibility of the client.

  6. Additional Services:
    Sometimes I will offer additional services such as extensive and repetitive design consultations, site visits, or protective coatings for the mural. These services may come at an extra cost.

  7. Negotiation and Customization:
    Pricing for mural projects is often negotiable, especially for larger or more complex commissions. I may be willing to adjust my rates based on the specifics of the project and the client's budget.

  8. Deposit and Payment Schedule:
    I do require a deposit upfront before beginning work on the mural, with the remainder of the payment due upon completion. 

Polly's Country Market

This was a large mural completed for a local grocery store at the entrance of the store. When it opened in 1934, the owner wanted to have a live parrot greeting customers, but the FDA quickly shut that down. While the idea lives on through their logo, I wanted to honor that legend with this mural. 



For this project, JTV came to me looking for a cityscape of downtown Jackson in my prominent shape based style. This mural serves as the backdrop for their morning show, where they host local business and help promote all things Jackson.


Henry Ford Allegiance Health

One of my largest murals was in "The Tunnel" of Henry Ford Allegiance Health. This tunnel connects the main hospital to the Psychiatric Building and was 5000 sq feet of wall space that they needed covered. The goal was to provide a calming atmosphere for patients being transferred to the Psychiatric Building. The image below was an addition to that project in the break room for the facilities faculty. 

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